It seems like getting down on one knee during a romantic dinner or in front of friends and family for a proposal is so 2001. Proposals used to be a simple! Hey, I love you, lets get married! These days couples are getting more creative and extreme with their wedding proposals! From flash mobs, to elaborate videos, and even enlisting celebrity help; couples are setting the bar higher and higher for unique wedding proposals. LGBT couples are no different! It is very easy to get wrapped up in this craze. Best advice is to keep it simple so here are a few tips:
Have a Great Idea – The most important part of a marriage proposal is the proposal idea. You want to show your partner that you have been paying attention throughout your relationship and that you really get them. Create a proposal idea based on things that are personal to your partner and it will be a success!
Have a Budget – I know it is difficult to consider putting aside even more money for your engagement after you likely already bought an engagement ring. But the proposal is just as important as the engagement ring, so make sure you have a budget for it.
Have a Backup Plan – If you are going to plan the proposal by yourself, make sure to have a backup plan for things you didn’t expect like rain, extreme heat, etc.
Speak from Your Heart – Right before you pop the question you may be tempted to read a prepared speech or recite something you have memorized. However, I highly recommend against either and encourage you to just speak from your heart.
Celebrate After – Don’t just take your partner home after the proposal, do something fun and celebratory after. Getting engaged is a once-in-a-lifetime event so do it big.
If you want to make your proposal extreme here a are a few proposals to refer to! So here are 21 amazing same sex wedding proposals compiled by Pop Sugar!