At least one couple a day asks us the same question. “How much should I tip the DJ? So I usually reply with the same answer $1,000.000.00 would do the trick. Honestly there is no right or wrong answer for this question. Tipping the vendors is always appreciated but not mandatory. If at the end of the event you feel that the vendor went above and beyond the call to make your event one that you will truly NEVER forget, than a token of appreciation might be your way of showing your gratitude towards that particular vendor. This does not always have to be in monetary form. This can be in the form of a letter, review, thank you card or verbal. At the end of the day all these different types of indebtedness will certainly make that person or persons aware that their extra efforts and hard work were noticed by the client. I have been tipped as little as $20 and as high as $500.00. No matter what the amount of the tip I appreciated that the client thought I did an exceptional job for them. YOU SHOULD ONLY TIP IF YOU WERE HAPPY WITH THE RESULTS! A heartfelt review, letter or thank you card will put a bigger smile on my face than money will. When someone takes the time out of their busy day to sit down and write to you it means the world to me.
So I hope this answered your question about tips. $1,000.000.00 will always be the answer I respond with but use your personal judgment and experience to make the decision that makes the most sense to you.
Frank Tadros