A well-planned corporate event should accomplish your business goals, but it can also do much more. Your next event can be used to market your business and promote your brand if you take the opportunity to use video. Consider hiring a professional videographer who can advise you and provide high-quality video services.
You can use live streaming in a number of ways. You can stream the entire event to employees, clients, and guests who are unable to attend in person. Or, you can choose to stream select events, such as product reveals or keynote speeches.
Live streaming over social media can help you expand your reach to more potential customers. Remember to advertise your live stream before the event and use hashtags. Assign someone to stay online to answer questions and monitor comments.
Even if you don’t live stream as the event is happening, you can take short video clips to share on your website and social media. Your videographer can work with you to select and edit the specific scenes you wish to share online. You can also create a script and add voiceover narration.
Social media moves quickly, so grab the audience’s attention immediately before they scroll by. Use humor and keep it light. And, make use of keyword searches to determine what your audiences might be interested in.
If your corporate event is lengthy or continues over several days, your best use of video may be to create an event summary. The summary can be used to update people who could not attend, sent to shareholders, or placed on the company intranet and website.
Your videographer can help you select the scenes you wish to highlight and advise you on pacing and length. Your video should tell the story of your event, so organize it logically and use narration to explain and transition between scenes.
You can make the positive effects of your next corporate event last for long after the event ends. With smart use of video, scenes from your event can reach your target market and beyond. You can develop your brand, build goodwill, and share your successes with the world.
You need a professional videographer for your corporate event in the New Jersey/New York area. Click here to see what Mystical Entertainment Group has to offer.