Whether it’s your party planning that needs some inspiration or you just want to look at some pretty pictures…for a few hours.
Pinterest should really be your go to for everything creative and inspirational.
We all know social media platforms have taken over. But what platform is HUGE while still being underrated? Pinterest! The four year-old “social scrap-booking” community took the web by storm in 2011, reaching double-digit-million monthly visitors faster than any other website before it.
A study found Pinterest was driving more traffic to online publishers than Twitter. SAY WHATTTT?!
Feel free to go our Party Ideas page and Pin our amazing photos to your awesome Pinterest boards!!
The concept behind Pinterest is extremely simple, users have a “bookmarklet” button to pin images to boards, these boards often have a particular theme or purpose. Each image is backed by a click-through link leading to the web page where it was discovered. Users can also check out boards created by others and “like,” “repin” or comment on what they find. Simple hasn’t hurt Pinterest, though—in fact, it’s half the appeal. Pinterest is easy to use, easy to browse and offers such a wide range of content that almost everyone can find something to enjoy.
So head over to the Mystical Pinterest Board and find inspiration for your next event, whether it’s your wedding, Sweet 16, prom, bar/bat mitzvah, company party OR you just want to see pretty pictures. We have all the event planning needs there for you!
Oh and if you’re not planning an event anytime soon, well after you look through our boards you just may want to have a party. Which now you know who to go to for your dj, photobooth, hair/makeup and everything party needs!
HAPPY PINNING! (and try not to join the Pinterest fails club…yikes!)